Sunday, April 8, 2007

so I'm readin this book called velvet Elvis, which i have talked about before, and this one paragraph got me thinkin. it said... " heaven is full of forgiven people. hell is full of forgiven people. heaven is full of people God loves, whom Jesus died for. hell is full of forgiven people God loves, whom Jesus died for." so how are we different? the difference is how we choose to live!how do you show the world Gods love and how you are different?

Friday, March 23, 2007

late night thoughts from the basement...

Well finally got over whatever it was i had. back to work i go... its actually really nice to be back being stuck in the house for four or five days sucks. i don't know how pets do it. Like cats they are in the same house day in and day out and the majority are so content. Not that i have ever had a cat tell me that they didn't like being in side... wow I'm talking about cats, i must be getting tired!

Anyways... i started reading this book, velvet Elvis, about a week or two ago, it is really good. there are times i find myself reading a page over again to really grasp what it is saying. I was reading yesterday, and i came across this part and it really was kind of like huh... it said,

"Some people actually believe that God is absent from a place until they get there. the problem with this idea is that if God is not there before you get there, then there is no "there" in the first place"

Like does that not make perfect sense, cuz think about it, God is everywhere. So its not that he isn't in these places, he's there, its just the people don't know about him. I think this is were we come in. That's why God said go and tell the world of me. If we don't tell people about him and they never hear about him, and never accept him then doesn't that mean that they don't go to heaven! then i think as a body of Christ that is our fault. We didn't do the one small thing he asked, witch is go tell them.
anyways just my thoughts on that. my mind wonders this late at night. I recommend it definitely.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

its spring... or so they say

Well they say its the first day of spring.. but all i see is it snowing!... there is nothing i like more than sitting with a blanket on the chair watching the snow come down... but lets be honest, summer is not coming fast enough! there is just so much to do in the summer... and you can be out side the whole time, unless its raining and that's only if your picky...

I love sitting on the deck, in the sun and just doing nothing! its so wonderful... i really hope my plans for the summer work out.. if not that will suck... I'm looking to go to Slovakia, and i really hope it all works out so i can go... cuz it would be super sweet especially since its a missions trip! but i need to raise money for it so. ya....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Back to work

Well i started back to work last night... and i realized just how much i had missed the clients wail i was gone... i realized that they hold a special place in my heart and always will no matter how much they my tick me off... as i sat talking to some of them last night i began to notice just how attached or close i had gotten to most of them... you know they come in call you by name, joke with you, ask how you are, if you have been gone for a wail they notice and so on... when they are gone for a wail or are sick you truly worry about them.

Ihave come to the conclusion that i will probably work in the intercity for a long time God willing.

So hear is something to ask you self, the next time you see a street person, how do you feel? are you scared of them? do you walk quickly by hoping they won't talk to you or ask you for money? and hear is something to think about, other than living on the street and maybe not having a job, they are just the same as you and me!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Home at last!

I thought it would never end! the plane ride back to Edmonton that is... it seamed to take forever, and the girl sitting beside me really had an issue with staying in her own space... i mean lets think about this, you don't get a lot of space as it is and then the space you do get you like to keep for your self..yes? well if she didn't sprawl out all over wail sleeping, fall asleep on me and then what little leg room i did have she used! i was a little irritated to say the least. i did manage to sleep a little but not much.

I'm glad to be home, and glad to be off the plane! i think I'm going to go for a nap now cuz i am crazy tired. night all

Thursday, January 18, 2007


well i finaly made it home, to ontario that is, on saterday early morning. it was nice to finally see the fam after 7months!... and nothing has changed, thay are all still crazy as usual!

have you ever done something and relised that it was probably the stupidest thing you have done in a long time! and wial its happening all you can think of is how stupid you look!?! ya me too, as i'm playing with my friends kid, pretending i'm a big monster trying to get him! *head shake* i made him laugh at the same time making a room full of old friends (that i haven't seen in years) laugh! i mean you can't say no to a kid when all he wants you to do is play with him! oh well it was fun, i won't live it down, but it was fun!

well i head back to edmonton on sunday. it will be nice to get home and get back to work. it sounds crazy but i really miss work. i know what your thinking.. What... but its true... and i miss everyone, so on that note, cheers