Friday, March 23, 2007

late night thoughts from the basement...

Well finally got over whatever it was i had. back to work i go... its actually really nice to be back being stuck in the house for four or five days sucks. i don't know how pets do it. Like cats they are in the same house day in and day out and the majority are so content. Not that i have ever had a cat tell me that they didn't like being in side... wow I'm talking about cats, i must be getting tired!

Anyways... i started reading this book, velvet Elvis, about a week or two ago, it is really good. there are times i find myself reading a page over again to really grasp what it is saying. I was reading yesterday, and i came across this part and it really was kind of like huh... it said,

"Some people actually believe that God is absent from a place until they get there. the problem with this idea is that if God is not there before you get there, then there is no "there" in the first place"

Like does that not make perfect sense, cuz think about it, God is everywhere. So its not that he isn't in these places, he's there, its just the people don't know about him. I think this is were we come in. That's why God said go and tell the world of me. If we don't tell people about him and they never hear about him, and never accept him then doesn't that mean that they don't go to heaven! then i think as a body of Christ that is our fault. We didn't do the one small thing he asked, witch is go tell them.
anyways just my thoughts on that. my mind wonders this late at night. I recommend it definitely.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

its spring... or so they say

Well they say its the first day of spring.. but all i see is it snowing!... there is nothing i like more than sitting with a blanket on the chair watching the snow come down... but lets be honest, summer is not coming fast enough! there is just so much to do in the summer... and you can be out side the whole time, unless its raining and that's only if your picky...

I love sitting on the deck, in the sun and just doing nothing! its so wonderful... i really hope my plans for the summer work out.. if not that will suck... I'm looking to go to Slovakia, and i really hope it all works out so i can go... cuz it would be super sweet especially since its a missions trip! but i need to raise money for it so. ya....